The Badshah of Bollywood will turn a year older on November 2.Shah Rukh Khan’s birthday celebrations are usually low key affair. Apart from spending time with family, the superstar makes sure to greet his fans who stand outside his iconic mansion Mannat every year and then he cuts a cake with them. That has been the tradition for quite a few years. However, this time King Khan has decided to bring in his birthday in grand manner. Well, he should.
After all, his latest film Happy New Year co-starring Deepika Padukone, Abhishek Bachchan, Boman Irani, Sonu Sood and Vivaan Shah has also got cash registers jingling and is going rock steady at the box office. So SRK has more than one reason to celebrate, hai na?We hear Shah Rukh is going to throw a lavish bash on his birthday. In fact, the invites have already been sent out and obviously most of Bollywood bigwigs are expected to attend the party. But we are going to keep a close watch on Khan’s bash also because wethinks loads of gossip will come our way.
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» Revealed: Shah Rukh Khan’s birthday plans!
Revealed: Shah Rukh Khan’s birthday plans!