The actor took a break to spend some time with family and looks like it has worked out well for her.Rucha Hasabnis, who was last seen in Saath Nibhana Saathiya was killed off from the show a few months back. According to the recent update we hear that Rucha has used her vacation well. The actor got engaged to her a long time boyfriend.
Rucha and Rahul – her fiancé met in school and have been in love ever since. The childhood sweethearts exchanged rings in a small ceremony. Rucha looked fab in her carrot pink lehenga and of course, was extremely excited on her special day.The guest list included close family and friends along with her co-star Vishal Singh, Vandana Vithlani and Swati Shah on her engagement ceremony. The wedding date is yet to be fixed, but rumours suggest it will be soon. : congratulates the happy couple and hope they have a happily ever after…